

ABM Cloud launched Corezoid-based Viber-bot that allows to order goods in retail stores

ABM Cloud launched Corezoid-based Viber-bot that allows to order goods in retail stores

Corezoid allowed ABM Cloud to lay the foundation of its own “digital core." Now ABM Cloud business analysts can work quickly with APIs messengers, put forward and test business hypotheses, track statistics on dashboards in real time

Sigma Software webinar: “Digital Transformation for Banks: Trends and Challenges”

Sigma Software webinar: “Digital Transformation for Banks: Trends and Challenges”

May 28, 2020 at 15:00 London time (17:00 Kyiv time) Middleware partner, the Swedish IT consulting company Sigma Software, will conduct an online webinar on the digital transformation of banks.

Apartments booking service announced the launch of messenger-based solutions running on Corezoid

Apartments booking service announced the launch of messenger-based solutions running on Corezoid

Corezoid allowed to lay the foundation of its own “digital core” for robust communication with customers. launched Corezoid-based chat bot for money transfers in Telegram launched Corezoid-based chat bot for money transfers in Telegram

The company also says that transferring money in a chat bot in Telegram is as safe as possible. Project based on Corezoid Process Engine technology.

Middleware integrated Corezoid-based online testing system for Covid-19 detection for “Synevo” laboratory

Middleware integrated Corezoid-based online testing system for Covid-19 detection for “Synevo” laboratory

Online test was developed by Middleware based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

Middleware releases first 128 Corezoid certificates for developers

Middleware releases first 128 Corezoid certificates for developers

“I published a photo of my certificate on LinkedIn, they hammered all my private messages with job offers. Actually, 31 people reached out to me.”

Dmitry Rasnovsky, GM Glovo Ukraine: “Mother told me: “First you think – then you do”. In Glovo we act – then think”

Dmitry Rasnovsky, GM Glovo Ukraine: “Mother told me: “First you think – then you do”. In Glovo we act – then think”

“I knew about Corezoid. And I knew that there is a Middleware company that approaches things in a smart way and offers scalable solutions. Now Middleware allows Glovo to integrate new partners much faster.”

Using Corezoid A-Bank launched the service of remote identity verification in less than a week

Using Corezoid A-Bank launched the service of remote identity verification in less than a week

“We implemented the new service in less than a week. Such a quick integration was possible thanks to the Corezoid Process Engine. Corezoid works as the digital core of the bank, where all the business processes of A-Bank run”.

Oleg Spirin, VARUS CDO: "Corezoid became the digital core of VARUS"

Oleg Spirin, VARUS CDO: "Corezoid became the digital core of VARUS"

“Today, Corezoid works as the “digital core” of VARUS. With the help of Corezoid we get data from different sources, process it according to the logic laid down in Corezoid and use it in business processes.”

Medical expert system for COVID-19 testing published for free on Corezoid Marketplace

Medical expert system for COVID-19 testing published for free on Corezoid Marketplace

Middleware Inc. (the USA) published on Corezoid Marketplace a free medical expert system for predicting the coronavirus.